The Causey Consulting Podcast

Tornado Updates, Civil Unrest, the Grid, etc.

➡️ Some areas are still without power post-tornado. Some of those folks have been told, "You need to call an electrician for yourself." 😐

➡️ I saw people even younger than me at the heart hospital. I think we have a pretty good idea what is going on here.

➡️ Pre-tornado, we were seeing a decline in properties. Houses where no one was putting forth any effort.

➡️ "A sign of labor marketing weakening." Uh, the job market is in the toilet, dude.

➡️ Civil unrest & November.


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Transcription by  Please forgive any typos!

Welcome to the Causey Consulting Podcast. You can find us online anytime at And now, here's your host, Sara Causey.


Hello, Hello, and thanks for tuning in. In today's episode, I just want to hop on and speak briefly about a few points. I've had several listeners that have written in and say, Hey, we really missed the Saturday broadcast, can you at least tell us about what's going on in your area, what you're seeing, in general, what your predictions might be? Well, obviously, in my community, in the most immediate timeframe, we've still been dealing with the tornado and the aftermath of the tornado, there are some areas farther out from the center of the city that still do not have power. I always say I don't give you advice, I don't tell you what to do or what not to do. You have to make up your own mind and come to your own decisions about what's best for you and your family and what you feel like you can afford to do. Based on what I have seen what we have lived through what we've seen other people in the community live through very recently, as well as what I've been reading about the electrical grid, and what they're predicting for us to have a long hot summer. And that there will be places where the electrical grid cannot take it, it's under strain, it's too outdated, etc. In my opinion, which could be wrong, in my opinion, if you do not have some kind of backup, power supply, alternate energy, some way of taking care of yourself and your family, maybe not that you're going to be living high on the hog for a period of time. But basic survival, some way of being able to have food, water, shelter, a way to clean yourself, a way to prepare food, etc. And also a way to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer so that you don't die of a heat stroke or a frostbite. Do you have some kind of alternate power source? The idea that the cavalry is going to ride up the nearest Hill on white steeds, and they're all going to save you. There are plenty of first responders and linemen who have absolutely worked their behinds off without a doubt. At the same time, there are areas where people are pissed off, and they're mad because they feel like they've been forgotten about. It wasn't that long ago that one of the city officials was online telling people well, some of this stuff may be problems that the city or the county can't even fix. If we've repaired everything that we can repair, then you may just have to call an electrician to come out and deal with damage to your personal property. So then you got people mad about that. And I'm like, you have to have a backup power supply, in my opinion. Figure out what you can afford, figure out what your options are. Some people say well, we'll just go to a shelter. That is one possibility. And I'm not telling you to do that or not to do that you have to make up your own mind. Point counterpoint here. We've also had some criminals and looters. Who's going to stay and hold down the fort. Are you going to come back and find that anything that's not bolted down in your house has been stolen when you finally come back? It's sad that vultures like that exist, but believe me they do. So in the immediate term, we've been dealing with what it's like to clean up and cope with life after a natural disaster. Aside from that, and and before the storm damage, whenever we would be running errands, still noticing a lot of the look of economic depression, the look of economic recession around some of these homes and businesses. Lots of situations where it looks like the homeowner or the renter, whoever is in the property has said The hell with it. They're not mowing, there's no real upkeep windows are not present. And there's boarded up plywood. And again, this is pre tornado. Obviously, these things have happened to homes that were severely damaged or in some cases decimated altogether by the tornado. I'm talking pre tornado, old junky cars that have just been allowed to rot in the yard, kids toys that someone has said The hell with it and they just leave them laying out in the yard. So the the toys have gotten weeds all around them and it looks like nobody cares. People that have roof damage. In fact, not too far from where my folks live. There's a house that I really am not sure what's going on with the people who live there. But they have taken comforters not even Some type of waterproof tarp, but like a bed comforter, and put it over a hole in the roof. So God only knows what the place looks like inside the actual house, places where fencing is down, and nobody has bothered to repair it. America definitely does not look like everybody is churning and burn and doing great. I'm self employed, as you know. So there are occasions where I have more flexibility with my schedule than someone who has to be but in seat in a cube farm Monday through Friday, from eight to five, with a boss watching everything that they do. I had to go to the heart hospital on Monday for a follow up. And in some respects, things are getting better. And I'm really glad for that I've been able to take a very significant step down with my medication, which is wonderful, because the megadose that I had been on before was really taking a toll on my body. And it was not pleasant. While I was there, it was pouring down rain. So is sitting in the car waiting, you know how it is with medical appointments, they want you to show up 10 to 15 minutes early, and then they take their own sweet time as to when they're going to call you back. So I had gotten there a bit early, I was waiting in the car, because I really don't like to just randomly hang out in a waiting room. Even though at the Heart Hospital, it's people with cardiac problems. And it's not people coming in, like you would have in an urgent care or an emergency room. Nevertheless, you don't know who these people have been around, you don't know what their germs situation is like. There was a woman who walked in to the Heart Hospital have no idea who she was what she wanted. But she was only wearing jeans and a bra didn't have on any shoes didn't have on any kind of shirt. And I'm just sitting there in the car looking at this going. What kind of situation is happening here? I mean, I really didn't even know what to make of it. And I'm just sitting there in the car like, did we used to be a proper country? I mean, everybody always says that we used to be a proper country. And I'm like, did we? I mean, at the very least it feels to me like things are getting worse. I tried to remember any instance when I was a kid, of seeing somebody walking around a medical facility like that, and I couldn't come up with anything off the top of my head. On another note, a very sad note. Most of the time, the vast, vast majority of the time, when I would go to the heart hospital, I would be the youngest person there by a mile, because I'm still in my 40s. And I would be in there with men and women who were in their 80s and 90s. One time I went in there and I got stuck behind a woman who was 92 that wanted to write a check for her copay. And it seemed like it took her 20 minutes to write the check. This last time when I was in there, there was a woman who was 25. And I was gobsmacked. In fairness to the argument I will tell you she absolutely reeked of cigarette smoke. So whatever problem or problems that she has, presumably it's not being helped by a rampant smoking problem. But there was also a girl, she was there with her mother, she looked to me to be maybe between 16 and 18. And I don't know what her problem was. But whenever I was in the checkout area, making my next follow up appointment, she was in line behind me to do the checkout. And she was crying and speaking very loudly to her mother. And she said, I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this. And her mother was trying to calm her down like she let's talk about it. When we get to the car. We don't have to talk about it right now. Let's wait till we get in the car and we can talk about it then. And I remember thinking I wonder what's going on with her. That. Number one, why is she in a heart hospital being so freaking young, unless it's a birth defect or a problem that's congenital? And although I think we all know, I think we kind of have a suspicion as to why all of these people suddenly have heart problems. In my case, it was because I got the actual bio


thing. I'm trying to be careful here. This is um, you know, we're censored. We can't we can only say just so much unless we want to get pulled off the air but you have people that are having issues because of the scabies and in my case, I'm having residual problems because I got infected with what I believe to be a bio w e a p o s Do not a doubt in my mind, I've never had an experience like that. And I hope that I don't again, and my God and Heaven that was awful and remains to be a thorn in my flesh. Some days I feel like what Camus says and the myth of Sisyphus, there's no fate that cannot be surmounted with scorn. Amen to that. I'm surviving out of spite, like an angry cockroach. But it's like what's going on with this young girl that she's in here in a heart hospital for problems and whatever has been diagnosed or recommended is so bad that she's like, I don't want to do this and she's crying. That's this is so disturbing to me. This could just be an issue of the weather getting really warm and it being so muggy around here, plus the power outages that have gone on in relation to the tornado. But even before that happened, I would notice people whenever I would be at the grocery store or the pharmacy, any just any general public place. People who seem to have just let go of hygiene. Like you could smell body odor, and it seemed quite clear that they were not bathing, they were not using deodorant. Again, I don't, I don't see that I don't smell that and immediately think turnin and burnin doing great. We have a less than 4% unemployment rate jobs are plentiful, people are doing wonderful. I don't freaking think so. On June 4, CNBC reported job openings fell again in April hitting lowest levels since February 2021. In a sign of labor market weakening, I've told you many many times ad infinitum ad nauseam on this program on my blogs, etc. By the time that you hear some kind of bad news in the mainstream media, you've waited too late. Especially in this case, because thinking back to the great recession. We had some gas lighting and some BS. But the day came where they stopped trying to paper over everything. I don't think we were told the full extent of the damage. No. But I think when it became impossible for people to ignore, that's when the mainstream media said, well, unemployment has gone up, things are not good. People are suffering. We're really in a tough time. We haven't seen that this time around. I recorded that episode. Are we in a silent depression? And I think that we are by the time you see something like this, on a mainstream outlet like CNBC, you've waited too late, over on the job market journal, and then I also did a follow up episode about it here that I think maybe only a handful of people bothered to tune into about individuals saying that they felt suicidally depressed because it was so difficult to find a job. They're being told it should be easy as pie, and yet they're getting nowhere. In this article on CNBC, we find job openings fell more than forecast and April signaling a potential weakening in the labor market that could provide the Federal Reserve with more impetus to start lowering interest rates. The Labor Department's job openings and labor turnover survey aka the jolts report, released Tuesday showed that the level of employment vacancies slipped to 8.0 6 million for the month down by nearly 300,000 for March, and close to 19% lower than a year ago. Moreover, the total marked the lowest since February 2021. The ratio of job openings to available workers edge down from 1.2 to one after being around two to one when openings peak above 12 million in March 2022. So how bad is it really? If they're willing to come out on CNBC and make this comment? How bad is it really? The other thing is, is this just an attempt on their part to say it's alright for us to go back to quantitative easing, and easy money. Let's fire up the printing press again. Maybe it's time to do that. I saw an interview recently where old Jamie Dimon said that rates needed to stay high. We're probably at a 70% chance of getting a soft landing on this whole thing. But then again, we could be teetering on the edge of civil war. It really all depends on what class you're in. More and more I agree with what this is. John Williams is saying on his channel that this downturn is going to really be made into two disparate, really disparate sections ie the have nots and the have yachts. It's not gonna be the haves and the have nots, it's not going to be middle class people are hanging in there by the skin of their teeth, but they'll probably be okay. It's going to boil down to people who have amassed wealth like fat ticks during the pandemic versus everybody else. And everybody else is going to be in that have not category. I also saw a video recently over on city prepping channel, and it's titled warning, civil unrest and 2024 elections. I'll drop a link, if you want to check it out. Make of all of this what you will, I've told you on the air before that my contacts within the intelligence community have already told me the closer that we get to the election, the more you better be prepared to keep your butt at home. Don't go anywhere, don't be in large crowds, be prepared for something really bad to happen. Hopefully it won't. It's just a matter of preparation, that something catastrophic could happen. And that's one of the things that he talks about in this video is in the event that some kind of civil unrest breaks out, you need to think about focal points. Where is that activity going on? And how the hell do you get out of there. And then, if and when you're able to get home, he talks as well about some strategies you can use about how to get home. If and when you're at home, what do you do to batten down the hatches, so to speak, and stay safe while you're there. I understand that people don't like these types of episodes, I understand that people don't want to think about these types of things. But man, we have such a strange and uncomfortable powder keg of situations. I think there are some people that maybe they were able to ride the wave, when I was first on the air warning you that the great resignation was done. And that you needed to really think if you were going to make a job change or if you were going to consider your financial situation you need to to really think and be smart talk to a financial planner or advisor, if that makes sense to you. Really consider a game plan for your career other than Hippity, hop across the job market and demand a 20% raise every time you do it. You had to know on some common sense level that that was not going to be tolerated by corporate America forever. Get real. There may have been some people when I first got on the airwaves. And I was talking about that, that she's just a doom and gloom, er, she's full of it, the great resignation is a permanent change, the workers are going to have the upper hand forever, I don't need to prep, there's not going to be any civil unrest, everything is fine. Some of the people that may have been existing with their head up their backside. During that time, they may have been insulated. Maybe they were at a job that they thought was stable, and now they've been laid off for months, and they can't find anything. And maybe they've been freelancing, and they've been without clients and it's really getting rough and harder and harder to survive. Some of those people are getting to the razor's edge of their own survival. And I do think that more people are aware now than when I first started blowing the whistle on this broadcast. As I've told you many times before, in my opinion, which could be wrong, by the time there is a catastrophe, whether that's a personal catastrophe, or a broader catastrophe, something like the declaration of world war three, or martial law, another round of where we all have to get locked down, a job market crash, etc. By the time that event happens, I would even argue by the time that their birth pangs of that event about to happen, you've waited too late. You've waited too late to prepare when the Poopoo is actually hitting the fan. Please just consider your options. Think about what you would do in a natural disaster and a long term power outage, a grid down situation a job loss, what would happen if maybe you've never been out of work for more than a month or two before and this time it turns into a year or two that happened to people during the great recession and it was horrible.


What actually will occur in November of this year, I have no idea. I've reported over on the conspiracy theories blog about how the fat cats at Davos have predicted that the Orange Man is going back in and they're fine with it. But we have no idea what's going to happen. His popularity is even more so than it was now that there's been the trial. There's some Kafka foria The trial But it's entirely possible that he's going to go back in and then what happens? Do we see an economic improvement? Do we see an economic collapse? Do we get world war three? Do we see detente? Do we get another? With people like phony tau chi? I have no idea. I feel like it's smart to be prepared for a wide variety of scenarios and to really think in advance about how you're planning to stay safe. On that note, please stay safe and stay sane. And I will see you in the next episode.


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