The Causey Consulting Podcast

Setting Goals: BHAGs & Moonshots

June 24, 2021 Sara Causey Episode 83
The Causey Consulting Podcast
Setting Goals: BHAGs & Moonshots
Show Notes Transcript

If you ever feel like you're floating through life, not really sure about what you want or you look around at other people and feel envious... "Why do they have that? Why are they experiencing life so much better than me?" this is the episode for you. Or maybe you've just gotten your feet wet with setting goals or manifesting what you want but you're ready to level up and go further, faster. This is also the episode for you.

Key topics:

✔️ BHAG = big, hairy audacious goal. A BHAG can be shorter term, maybe 6 to 12 months, or it can be longer like 3 to 5 years. But it damn well has to be a stretch. It needs to challenge your imagination's muscles. 
✔️ Moonshot goal = something monumental that may take 10 to 20 years to achieve. Perhaps you're 30 now and you want to retire early at 50 as a multi-millionaire and you have no clue how you'll get there. That's a moonshot goal.
✔️ If your BHAG makes you feel excited and giddy but also kinda sick and nervous at the same time, that's a great sign.
✔️ It's like the old phrase, "You can either get busy living or get busy dying." Do you want to participate in deliberate creation in your life and indulge your inner desire towards creation and expansion, or do you want to stagnate and gripe that everyone else has it good and you don't? It's your decision to make. 

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Welcome to the Causey Consulting podcast. You can find us online anytime at Causey And now, h re's your host, Sara Causey. Hello out there, and thanks for tuning in. So in today's episode, I want to talk about B AGs. And moonshot goals, if ou're not familiar with the erminology of BHAG stands for a big, hairy, audacious goal. S me people argue that B hags n ed to be long term goals, I'm n t so sure about that. I really t ink that a B hag can be s mething that you want to a complish in six to 12 months, o it can be something that you w nt to accomplish in three to f ve years. A moonshot goal, on t e other hand, really is s mething very large and very l ng term. So let's say all r ght, I'm recording this in 2 21, it might be a long term g al that you want to see happen i 2031, or in 2035, in the next 1 to 15 years, I want this to h ve manifested or this to have h ppened in my life. So to me, a m onshot goal really is the long t rm thinking way out into the f ture type of goal. Whereas a B h g doesn't necessarily have to b something that's way off into t e future. But it definitely d es have to stretch your i agination and your creativity, i can't be something that's j st basically at arm's reach a ready, otherwise, it's not a b g, hairy, audacious goal a ymore. If you're familiar with B b Proctor, then you may have h ard him talk before about ABC g als. And a goal is something t at you've done before, you a ready pretty much know how to a hieve it. So an example of t at might be going to buy a new c r, when you've already done t at multiple times in the past, y u still have a goal of buying a brand new car, but you've done i before. So you pretty much k ow exactly how the process is g ing to play out when you get t the dealership. A B type goal i something that you haven't d ne before. But you're c nfident that you can achieve i, it's going to be a little b t more of a stretch, but it's n t getting into this realm of l ke, Oh my God, is this even p ssible. So one example of that m ght be, you want to go back to s hool and finish your degree, y u're working full time, you're g ing to keep your full time j b. And you're also going to t y to go back to college part t me, you haven't done that b fore. And you know, it's going t be a stretch, you're going to h ve to do some very good time m nagement, you're going to have t really stay on top of your s hedule, but you're confident t at you're going to be able to d it, especially because n wadays, so many classes and c ursework are held online a yway, you're confident you're g ing to be able to pull that o f. A C goal is something that sc res you, you have not done it be ore, you don't know how yo're going to do it. There's no clear pathway, boom, boom, bo m in your mind of how you're go ng to get from one place to an ther, it excites you. And it al o scares the crap out of you at the same time. When you think ab ut it, you get really giddy an tingly, but you also kind of wa t to throw up that's a se gull. So as we're thinking ab ut things like B hags, and mo nshot goals, you want to be mo e in that C goal space. And I'm going to try with my country twa g not to call it a seagull. But you want to be more in the C goal space, you're not doing things that are already pretty much in your comfort zone. You're right about 50% of the way there, this really needs to be stuff that stretches your creative muscles. Several years ago, I had a mentor in the staffing industry who wanted all of us to sit down and write out a five year plan of B hags. And at first I thought I don't really know about all this, this seems a little bit woowoo to me. At that time, I had some degree of familiarity with the law of attraction, but I thought it was all phony baloney nonsense. I had tried to do it before in ways that I thought was appropriate. I hadn't gotten what I wanted. So I was the type of person that was like, I'm just skeptical about all of this. I think people who claim that they're able to manifest are just full of crap. I don't I just don't believe it. But I went along with the exercise anyway, I thought, well, you're just writing this down on a sheet of paper, and it's not going to cause any harm. And if it makes your mentor happy that you've done it, okay, so I just went for it. I kind of was a little Cavalier in my attitude approaching it. But the crazy thing is, when I went back five years later, and I opened the envelope that I sealed it in, I was floored at just how much of that list had come true. In fact, the only thing that was different was I had written down a particular make and model of car that I wanted and I had bought the same type of make but a slightly different model, that was the only thing on the list of B hags. That was even slightly different everything else line by line that I wrote down about the type of money I wanted to be making, the way that I wanted to be living, what I wanted to accomplish at work, all of those things that come through, and I got goosebumps. And I thought, Wait a minute, maybe there actually is something to this process. But I wrote everything down, I put it in the envelope, and then I let it go, I didn't sit and dwell on this list of B hags. And just like, you know, twist my guts in a knot every day about it. I just had sort of a devil may care, throwaway attitude about it. And five years later, when I went and excavated it from the sort of time capsule, it was like, Oh, my God, you know, like, holy crap, this, this stuff is real. I remember hearing a lecture that Sadhguru gave, where he was talking about a man who goes into the temple, and tell Shiva, I want a new house, I want a bigger, nicer house for myself and my family. I don't know how it's going to happen, but that's what I want. And then he walks out of the temple. And he goes on about his business, knowing and trusting that Shiva is going to make that happen for him, is more likely to get the house that he wants than somebody who wants to micromanage the process be anal retentive, they worry all the time, and they have to know every step that's going to need to take place between current location and dream house. And it really struck me that that's true. You know, I, I've been both people before in my life, I've been the person who was able to say a prayer or set an intention, and then just walk off from it and let it breathe, let it happen. And I've also been the worrywart that couldn't that needed to know every blessed detail of how it was going to get there? And why isn't it here yet? What's going on? And what do I need to be doing and ah stressing out. And we know intellectually, that when we put a chokehold on something, it's very unlikely to work out. Whereas when we're more casual, and we can just let the flow occur, it is more likely to work out. But sometimes we just get in that space of worry and anxiety. And it's almost like we cannot help ourselves. But based on my experience, the way that I've seen things play out in my own life and the way that I've seen things happen in the lives of friends, family members and clients. I think that Sadhguru his analogy is really true. When you can walk away, let it breathe, let it happen, you don't need to know, point A, B, C, D, E, F, G, all the way of how you're going to get from place to place, you can just sort of, you know, lay back and go along with the adventure, you are more likely to get exactly what you want. And I feel that it's so important to have these B hags and these moonshot goals for your life. So often people feel that they're just buffeted around by the winds of change. They look around and they think, well, this guy over here is getting everything that I want. Or this lady has a dream relationship and a wonderful career and beautiful kids and how come I don't have that. So they look around at others that are getting what they want. And they feel envious, or they feel depressed. Or they just, you know, they wonder what's what's going on with those people over there that they're the haves and the have nots, like what what's wrong with me, it's not about there being a level of deserving or not deserving or this person's better or you're not good enough for any of that. So take all of that superiority or inferiority out of your mind. What you need to do is have those B hags and those moonshot goals because if one person is setting B hags and setting, you know, their intentions and their meditations and their mind movies toward those A B hags, and you're not well, to use the phrase does your Come on man, kind of getting what you're putting out into the universe, which is a whole heap and help and if nothing. If you're not familiar with the concept of a b hag, a big hairy audacious goal. It was a term that Jim Collins used in his book built to last successful habits of visionary companies. An example commonly used around this is Boeing. In the 60s, they had a bee hag that they wanted to manufacture a 747 jet aircraft to be used as a commercial airplane. Now, other competitors in the space still thought that propeller driven planes were the wave of the future. So Boeing's goal was big, and hairy and audacious, and they had to commit something like three times three or four times their annual profit in order to be able to even meet the goal or try to meet the goal. So it was a big deal for Boeing to be able to have this idea and bring it to fruition, but they were convinced that it was the right thing to do. And indeed it was, which is one reason why all these years later, we still think back to that example, as a B hag, but Again, in my opinion, and in my experience, it does not have to be your be hag does not have to be something like, okay, I currently make 100,000 a year, in the next 12 months, I want to make half a million. It can be, it certainly can be. But if deep down, you feel like there's just no way in hell you're going to get there, then I would advise you to back off a little bit. Okay, if you're making 100 grand right now, what do you feel like is achievable? But a big freakin stretch to get to in 12 months? I mean, do you think that you could double your revenue? Do you think that you can get to 200,000? If you ultimately want to get to 500,000 a year? Do you feel like that's maybe more of a three year B hag than a one year B hag. But in any event, it has to be something that feels like a stretch, you have to really be using your imagination and your creativity and getting tuned in with your heart's desire. I mean, what do you really really want? Not not the question of Okay, well, here's what I'm willing to settle for bought. But what do you really, really want? If your idea is okay, so what I really want is I want to retire early at age 50. And be able to spend the next half of my life golfing and hanging out on the beach and drinking margaritas and just rockin my twilight years, cool. Let's figure out a way to make that a B hag or a moonshot goal so that you get there. But if if that's what you really want, you're going well, I guess I want to double double my revenue. And in the next couple of years, and you're not very excited about it, I would say the odds of that manifesting in your life are pretty low, you still have to have the elevated emotion around it in order for it to show up. A moonshot goal really is something that needs to be long term. It comes from President Kennedy, talking about the nation committing itself to achieving the goal before the decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to Earth. So moonshot became indicative of this task, that's going to be monumental, but it's going to have a monumental significance to it as well, it's not going to be something that is achieved overnight, in six months, maybe not even in six years, it really needs to be something that we look at as a big picture goal. And we have a long term level of commitment to seeing it made manifest in reality. So for example, to go back to the scenario I used about retiring at 50, and being able to play golf and do your own thing. So let's say that you're 30 years old now. And you're at a job where you're making 50k. But the goal is at 50. I want to retire I want to be a multimillionaire, I want to buy a house on the beach, and be able to spend the next half of my life being a beach bum hanging out surfing, doing whatever the hell I want, and not being you know, chained to a desk or having a boss, I want to just be free to do what I want in that half of my life. That's a moonshot. You've got two decades to be able to get there. And there's really no clear path and site for you to get from being a desk jockey making 50k to being this fabulous multimillionaire that's living on the beach. Is it possible? Hell? Yeah, it is. Do we know ABCD? how you're gonna get from being 30 at the salary to being 50. multimillionaire on the beach? Nope. Is it figure out double and doable? Yep, it sure is. So that's more of a moonshot goal. And I do feel that it's important to have both right now, for example, I'm working on some financially related B hags. And that's as I shared in a previous episode. That's one of the reasons why I'm working with someone that I affectionately call the wartime con ciliary, I need some assistance in thinking things out and having a sounding board. Some of the things that I'm doing are things that I've done before, but it's a stretch, and I have some clear ideas about how I want things to pan out. So when you have big financial transactions, they tend to be stressful, and complicated, and taxing, no pun intended. I have a friend who is a mortgage broker. And he was telling me the story about this very like I'm trying to think of the best adjectives to use make it was like very stern, very controlled. He was a military veteran, and he was in the process of buying a house and he would get so upset and stressed out over every hiccup every detail, that he actually gave himself a bleeding ulcer and had to go to the hospital. When we're talking about big financial transactions, whether it's real estate, whether it's selling a business or trying to franchise big financial transactions, can absolutely have that bleeding ulcer effect on you if you're not careful. So Part of my be hag that I've been extremely clear on with the universe and I can't ciliary I know everybody is easy, simple, seamless and want everybody to walk away from the transaction happy. I want a sense of peace and ease, I want there to be a sense of flow. Now I'm, I'm channeling like this hippie vibe of peace and love, and he is no drama, just chill. Those are not typically added adjectives that we think of with big financial transactions, you know, and that's part of it. For me, what makes it a B hag is imagining that all of these things are going to come together. easy, simple, seamless. So for me, this is a B hag, I don't have some extreme set in stone timeline. But I would really like to see these transactions wrapped up within the next year. So that's the B hag that I'm currently working on. I do not know, point ABCD how everything is going to go. I and I don't need to know I'm trusting in the universe. I'm trusting in God, that things are going to play out in a way that's beneficial and happy and peaceful for all parties involved. And then everybody will walk away from this transaction, feeling good and feeling a sense of peace and ease, that we all did the right thing. And we all walked away with what we wanted. If I didn't believe that was possible, if I could not raise the elevated emotions and the energy needed to manifest this, then I wouldn't be doing it. If you've never set a be hag before you may be listening to this episode thinking, Okay, well, this sounds cool, I'd be willing to try it. Even if you're a bit skeptical that it will work, you may be willing to try it. So one way is to do what one of my mentors had me do and that exercise, just take out a sheet of paper and a pencil or an ink pen and start writing a five year plan in five years from now, I john doe, or I Jane Doe want to see these things happen in my life. Or you could even use more forceful language than that. I mean, I know some of you may not be there yet. But I would say something like, in five years, these things have happened. Like I would write it in a very like affirmative, faith based way like I believe I know these things will happen in my life. And then write out the things that you want. It may be a car, that you're driving a house, that you're living in a neighborhood that you want to be living in how you want your romantic relationship to look, have certain body types that you want to have achieved, how you want your bank account to look certain financial goals that you want to have met, don't limit yourself on this, it's a piece of paper that you are going to write these goals on, you're going to seal it in an envelope, put it in a safe place, and then you are not going to disturb it for that five year period of time. Or if you prefer to do something shorter term, it might be a three year period of time. But you need to make that commitment to yourself that you're going to write this out on paper. And then you're going to leave it alone for whatever amount of time that you commit to and then really leave it alone. If you're not a big writer, downer or journal fan like I am, do a mind movie, go into a place that's quiet and free of distractions so that you can really and truly think and just paint a mental picture of how you want your life to look in three years or five years. What do you want to be doing? What kind of work are you engaged in? Or are you retired? Are you done with the work world? How are you spending your time? What kind of car are you driving? What kind of home or apartment or condo Are you living in? Do you have a romantic partner? If so, what does that relationship look like? What kind of dates Do you go on? How do you spend time together? Do you have children? If so, how are they picture them happy and healthy and doing the types of family activities that you would want to do together? Are you manifesting a dream home? All right, well, what does it look like? Are you in a big beautiful mansion? Are you in the forest somewhere in a cabin? Are you living in a beach house? Are you up in the mountains really picture it and I mean, picture it picture yourself making coffee in the morning in this place. If you're out in the woods, go outside and smell that lake? Ooh, that forest smell. I love it. I love that smell of like, you know the inside of the forest. It's just a very earthy, beautiful smell. I'm a nature freak. So there you go. If you're living in the mountains, go out and smell the mountain air. If you're living next to a river or a lake, go out picture yourself going out on the boat and going fishing or getting out on the water to do your watersports. really feel it the more that you can be in this mind. And just lose yourself and then be able to set it free. So you do your mind movie, you get into your elevated emotions, you really feel what it's like to be in this place, you you raise that energy, raise that vibration. And then when you're finished with your mind movie, you feel like okay, this is a very good B hag for what I want my life to be like in three to five years, then you set it free. You can picture it like a bubble. In your hands do this as you're meditating, you know, picture in almost like a bubble in your hands. Okay, this is what I want my life to look like in three years, or in five years, and they just raise it up above your head and put it into the universe or give it over to God or your higher power and say, This is what I want. I've placed my order. I've made this vision. Now, I want it to go forth and come back to me made manifest. So if you're not big on journaling, and writing it down, having that visual mind movie can really help. Another alternative is to paint if you're artistically inclined, you can draw sketches of what you want your life to look like, or create paintings or sculptures. I've had a couple of clients in the creative space who would do that type of work and they had a lot of fun, being able to paint this vision of their dream house or being able to sketch doing family activities or sketch you know, a beautiful watching a beautiful sunset with their romantic partner, you there are ways other than writing it down if you're inclined to be more visual or to have a mind movie. But the point is, whether you write it, you paint it, you visualize it in your mind, you need to be able to have some goals cut out, you need to know the direction that you want your life to go in so that you're not buffeted around at random. By the winds of change. You have these B hags, you know, like, all right, generally speaking, in the next three years, I want to land here. Generally speaking in the next five years, I want to land here with your moonshot goals, I think it probably is better to do the visualization. Not that I'm against writing it down. But to go back to the example of the person that wants to retire at 50. Instead of trying to get too bogged down in the minutiae of everything that's going to happen in his life over the next 20 years. I think it's better to play the mind movie. Picture yourself at age 50. On the beach, picture your beach house, picture yourself golfing and fishing and being a beach bomb, feel the sand under your feet, feel yourself surfing in the ocean, you'll really, really like okay, this is what I visualize that my retirement years will be like, and then let life take you in that direction. Do not get bogged down in the minutiae of, Okay, well, I'm really far off. So how the hell am I going to get there? Don't don't don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Otherwise, you're likely to give up. That's something that I have heard Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher talk about, especially in the context of goal setting. I once heard Sandy Gallagher talking about doing seminars like these really intensive seminars where they spend like six days with potential entrepreneurs to help them get off to as good a start as possible in starting a business. And somewhere around day two or day three, a lot of people just feel sick, they've got headaches, their stomach hurts, and they're just like, Oh, you know, they're in that state of overwhelm, energy is shifting, things are changing, they know that they're going to get knocked out of their comfort zone. And they're having a real visceral reaction to that. And I thought it was interesting. Listening to Sandy talk about that, because I have a coaching program. And I mean, I, I've always been selective and picky about who I let in. But at this point, I'm like, super selective and picky about who I let in. Because this program goes for 90 days, we spend an entire quarter working together in a pretty intimate sort of way. And something that I have noticed in the program is people who are just there, they're just not in it, man. They're just the idea of change is so overwhelming to them. They typically start getting those bailout fantasies or they want to leave the program at around the halfway point, somewhere between being about 30 and 50%. Through they go, I just don't think I can do this anymore. I don't think I want to own a business. This is too much changes too difficult. And you can watch them like starting to just crumble or it's like a flower that starts to wilt. It's like you can just sit back and watch it happen. Whereas the people that are like yeah, hell yeah, this is uncomfortable. It hurts. I've got a headache. Thinking about all of this change and going into the unknown is scary and But I'm willing to do it. Those are the people that make it the people that cannot feel the fear and do it anyway. Or the people that wind up closing their doors and saying, screw it, I'll just go back to being somebody else's employee, because I just can't freakin do this anymore. And I'm not coming down on people for making that decision. I've talked many times before about strategic quitting, you know, some sometimes you get into a business and you're like, I just don't have the SRA Devi for this, I don't have it in me tired of pouring money into this place, I'm exhausted, I want out. There's no shame at all. In making that decision. What I what I would say I am not going to advocate for is not pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. The more that we are able to push past our fear. The more our comfort zone grows, the more that we are able to handle the more flexible the more resilient that we feel. Whereas the more we give into fear, and we go I can't, I'm not strong enough, I'm not good enough I'm not capable, are the ability to tolerate discomfort gets smaller and smaller and our world gets smaller and smaller, we suddenly find that our space to live in psychically and emotionally is about the size of a decimal point. And I care about everybody that's taking the time to listen to this podcast episode, I don't want your world to shrink down to the size of your thumbnail, I want you to have a big, expansive, wonderful experience while you're in your flesh suit. And I feel like if you're the type of person that's listening to this podcast, you feel the same way. So don't sit and worry. And stress out over every minute detail of how you're going to get from where you're at where you are right now, to where you want to be in this moonshot goal, you want to be doing things on a consistent basis to continue advancing the ball down the football field. So in other words, I'm not going to sit here and tell you will just sit at home and do nothing, do absolutely nothing. Just hang out on the couch, and play video games all day or binge watch TV and you know, good things will just happen. There's a marriage that that has to occur between faith and works between playing your mind movie and putting the right energetic signature out there. And then also being able to see signs and opportunities in the physical mundane world. To use an example that I've heard before you if you're doing like law of attraction, or magic or the power of prayer, whatever sort of methodology you use it it's like the the analogy of the man that prays to God saying, God, please help me win the lottery. And God finally responds back, why don't you buy a ticket, there, there has to be mutual effort going on, not efforting, where you're just all the time trying to shove a square peg in a round hole and you're wearing yourself out. But there needs to be some skin in the game for both you and the universe to keep the football moving down the football field, you will be like if you are trying to manifest a new job and you said, okay, new job come to me, I'm gonna sit on the couch and play video games and just wait for the phone to ring. I mean, it's possible that that could happen. Probably not very likely you I would say if you are like updating your resume, you are making sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date and looks good. And you're you know, checking things on indeed or zip recruiter on a regular basis, it's more likely that your manifestation will come quickly than if you're sitting on the couch, in the same clothes you've been wearing. For the past five days playing video games. I'm just saying there has to be a marriage there between what you're willing to do and the physical, mundane world and then what you want God or the universe to do for you on the spiritual plane. So to wrap this up, a B hag can be something that's fairly short term, six to 12 months, or longer term, three to five years. Whereas a moonshot goal really needs to be something that's big picture 10 to 20 years off a longer term goal, a general direction that you want to be sure that your life goes in ways that you want to spend retirement, something that you want to have happen within the next decade, a big, big goal where you just have no idea how it's going to show up, then you have a lot of confidence and faith that as you need to know, as you when you're at a point where God or the universe feels that you need to know something or an opportunity needs to be presented to you it will be and you'll be smart enough and intuitive enough to pick up on those signals. Make sure that you're setting these goals so that you don't have to look around and feel envious of other people that are getting lost. They want, you don't feel like you're just loosey goosey floating through life with no clear direction. Other people succeed while you don't. Being able to set these types of goals really makes the difference between feeling that sense of control and empowerment or not. We hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you haven't already, please take a quick second to subscribe to this podcast and share it with your friends. Thanks for tuning in. We'll see you next time.