The Causey Consulting Podcast

60 Years Later: JFK Revisited

Today marks the 60 year anniversary of JFK's death. For me, this is not about lionizing any politician. It's about understanding just how powerful the powers that be truly are. If they would lie to you about something monumental, they would lie to you about the state of the economy and the job market, too. Wakey wakey, folks.


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Welcome to the Causey Consulting Podcast. You can find us online anytime at And now, here's your host, Sara Causey.

Hello, Hello, thanks for tuning in. I'm dropping an episode today, because this is the 60th anniversary of the JFK Pop Pop. You know, I don't say the a word on the air, but we all know what I'm talking about. And I recently watched Oliver Stone's addendum film, titled JFK revisited through the looking glass. It was released in 2021. But I don't even remember hearing anything about it. I only stumbled upon it recently and decided to watch it, you can read it on YouTube for just a couple of dollars. And to me, I felt like it was interesting. It doesn't go as deep as the film did in 1991. But the purpose of this really is just to be an addendum to say, now that certain articles and documents have been declassified. What do we know now that we didn't know then, now that more people have had the chance to go to the National Archives and do research that would not have been available to them? 20 years ago? What do we know now? What are some considerations that we could make with 20 years down the road? And I thought it was interesting. Essentially, the film is divided into two halves. The first half focuses more on the evidence, what witnesses saw, and then attempts to refute the Warren Commission Report, like look at the inconsistencies look at the chain of custody of evidence that was really fudged up and crazy, like, how is it that all of these witnesses are saying the same thing, but then the Warren Commission wants us to believe something completely different. And then the second half of the film is pointing out, like certain alliances, that JFK had certain things that he did or did not do. That would not have been well received, let's say, particularly by the Charlie India alpha. And in fact, there's one line that really sticks out. They were talking about JFK and Allen Dulles butting heads and how Allen Dulles made the comment that Kennedy thinks he's God. And I laughed, because I'm like, we are he, he booked to the system, because he's supposed to know that the Charlie India, alpha is God. They're the ones that are really making the decisions around here. They also talk about Cuba and Castro and the Vietnam War, the military industrial complex, as well as the Charlie India alpha and things that had been going on. Like in Eisenhower's administration, certain agencies and individuals that very nearly had carte blanche to do whatever the hell they wanted. It was sort of like you go and you do what you feel is best for the country. And I'll stay in my lane and know my place. And then this movie alleges that JFK didn't want to play ball in that way. And it made a lot of people mad within these halls of power. And so it provided a motive for certain individuals to not want him around anymore. Now, I want to be clear in why I'm bringing all of this up, because there are some people that I lies various and sundry politicians. I don't it does not matter to me, elephant or donkey red or blue. E talkie show, I don't care. It's not for me about oh, Camelot. The closest thing to American royalty we've ever had, oh, this dynasty. Oh, here's this president and he was young and good looking. And he had a beautiful family. And oh, he was cut down in his prime and oh, he was he was going to be the best person ever. That That family has had more than its fair share of scandals. So no, I don't I don't lionize the family or JFK either. One. Chappaquiddick Case in point, Joseph Kennedy, if you care to read about him as a patriarch of this group, you'll find anti semitism, you'll find bigotry. You'll find him promoting fascism as a cure for communism. Trying to appease Hitler with money and wanting to meet Hitler. I mean, there are a lot of problematic deeply problematic things there. And the minute that you say someone was a Nazi sympathizer, I'm just I'm done. I just want to get as far away from that ideology. as possible, because I believe that kind of philosophy is so particularly corrosive to the soul. The things that it does to people, the way that it warps the mind. It's really terrible. Because essentially, what it does is is it's one person saying, My group is superior to everyone else, or my group is the superpower. Everybody else is inferior to us, therefore, they're subhuman. Therefore, we can do whatever we want to them. That is very, very scary. Then you add to that JFK himself had a romance with Inga Arvad, who was a guest of Adolf Hitler who whom Hitler idolized and just thought that she was this most beautiful Aryan perfection woman. Nope, nope, nope. To me, this is not about I want to talk about the pop pop. And I want to talk about the cover ups and all of this because I want to promote that JFK was or would have been the greatest president ever, for all times. And I think sometimes these documentaries about the pop pop and about the cover ups get into this hero worship. And that's not something I want to do. For me. It's not about oh, Camelot. Oh, this man. It's about look at how powerful the powers that be truly are. There's a commentator in Oliver Stone's film in this JFK revisited film, who says if they can do this to a sitting president in broad daylight, they're sending a message. And that includes sending a message to the American media that you're going to fall in line. And as I was watching them, like Yeah, hello, hi. If they can do this in broad daylight, and then cover it all up, and gaslight everybody and try to convince people you didn't see what you thought you saw. We're going to come up with these photos that appeared to be like primitively photoshopped of Oswald. We're going to try to convince you that a bullet zigzag around the car like a bumblebee. Oh, and then we're also going to dispute the doctors. There's another documentary you can watch on Paramount plus, it's called JFK what the doctor saw. I also watched that, and it's quite clear that they were strong armed. In fact, there's an interviewee in this documentary who talks about like, I can't remember if it was one of the doctors or the coroner who was picked up he was physically picked up and manhandled, allegedly, by a Secret Service agent and told like we're in charge here. You either get the hell out of our way, or we're gonna have a problem, Powell. If the powers that be can do all of this to a sitting president, this oh, this golden idol from Camelot? What in the hell else are they doing? And for me, as someone who's Bellwether is the job market, someone whose expertise is in staffing and recruiting. Let's extrapolate this out a little bit farther, if they're willing to do that, what in the hell makes you think that they wouldn't lie to you about the economy about the job market about the suppose a Bureau of Labor Statistics? I mean, really, if they would do that, it's nothing to them. It is nothing to them to tell you that we still somehow have an unemployment rate that's less than 4% that your odds of being laid off are very low. You don't need to worry about anything little baby, you just need to sit down, shut up, take your pablum, and don't be a problem to anybody. There was an article published recently over on Bloomberg titled The job market slowdown is getting hard to ignore. The byline reads the payrolls data still looks fine. But under the hood are signs of deterioration for the growing number of people who are unemployed or keen to switch jobs. And as I read this, I thought, Yeah, about that. First of all, by the time you hear something in a mainstream media news outlet, you've waited too late. It's already too late, in my opinion, to meaningfully prepare for an event by the time the MSM is allowed to tell you about it. Which goes back to what the commentator said in JFK revisited. It's also sending a message to the American media. You're damn right it is. You fall in line, you peddle the official narrative, or we're gonna have a problem. If you're supposed to tell the peons that the economy is what are you salient and the job job market is robust. And there are supposedly two open jobs for everyone unemployed person labor shortage, labor shortage. Oh, good call. No one wants to work anymore. All of Gen Z is lazy. If that's what you're supposed to tell the peons and the plebs, you sit down you shut up and you do it. You just do it. Let's not forget that Carl Bernstein published an article titled The Charlie India alpha and the media, how America's most powerful news media worked hand in glove with the Charlie India alpha and why the Church Committee covered it up. It's, it's right out there on Front Street. There's even an article that you can go to on the Charlie India Alpha website itself. If you want to go to their reading room, you can access this document. I'm not kidding. You titled reporters, comma spies have close ties. It's literally like it's all just right there. It's overt it's on Front Street. Yeah, it absolutely sends a message to the media. Of course it does. So by the time the MSM is telling you, hey, job market slowdown, getting kind of hard to ignore, there might be signs of trouble underneath the hood. You've waited too late, you've waited too late, in my opinion, is not that there are some minor signs of deterioration going on under the hood. Under the hood. It's just a rust bucket. We're driving along in this jalopy and it's about to go off a cliff, I think back again to the Fed official, in that age of easy money documentary on PBS who said the system collapsed in 2008. In total, all the veins and all the capillaries collapsed and all the blood went out of the system and it died. We've really just been kicking the can down the road ever since. I understand that's difficult for some people to believe largely because they don't want to believe it. They don't want to hear that. If you ignore it, if you put your head in the sand, the only person that's going to suffer for that as you were also seeing stories about how holiday employment is going to be tougher to find. Because even though we had labor shortage Caicos in the past, we're not having that now, employers are going to hire fewer people to be seasonal employees. So now even if you want a temp job over the holidays, to make some extra money or to try to get ins to meet if you're unemployed, you might be screwed out of that as well. Ignoring this information is not your friend, I understand that some people think the job market is irrelevant to them, the economy is irrelevant to them. Unless they get unemployed unless they want to quit their job and find something else, then it becomes important to them. But in the interim, they just think it doesn't matter. All of these things link together. And if you ignore these details, and you go into Tik Tok, or Instagram and think I'll just play on my cell phone all day, and nothing is gonna really matter outside of the social media universe. Again, I say the person that's going to suffer for that is you. I myself recommend the documentaries that I mentioned, Oliver Stone's JFK revisited, I think is very interesting. I plan on reading a book soon that I'm gonna go to the library and get hopefully. And it's about dog hammer sholde because that's one of the things that gets mentioned in the JFK revisited movie about these alliances. He has some of the politicians he supported some of the initiatives he supported that went against the agenda of the Charlie India alpha. And they mentioned that whenever whenever the body was found, like I guess there I guess there was a plane crash. That dag hammer sholde was supposed to have died in but the body was not burned. And there was a plane card of the ace of spades in his collar. Now is somebody that wants to say that's a pure coincidence. If you think that that didn't just happen by accident. You're a conspiracy theorist. Wow. Just wow. Not there's no way that that happened accidentally had to be sending a message. So there's a book I want to read about that. And it also triggered for me if we want to really take a few seconds here to go down another rabbit hole. I recently read Maury Terry's book The Ultimate Evil. And he he definitely at times, you know, it starts to feel like that meme of Charlie Day standing in front of the bulletin board with all of the strings going to the to the different pushpins it can get pretty pretty cuckoo pretty out there. Not that mores writing style is that way. It's just some of the things it's just one line. they're on top of another on top of another. It's like a bad sour onion. Just when you think the story can't get any weirder, or there can't be any stranger connections to it. Oh, just wait a minute, because it's coming. But I remember in the book, the ultimate evil, there was a witness or a relative, somebody that was that that knew Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski that said that there was some kind of artwork in that house at the time of the Manson murders. That was in an inverted ace of spades. And so when I heard that, I was like, that has to be a message. I mean, there's, there's no way that this guy just winds up with a plane card in his collar by accident. So I want to read more about that. And I think JFK revisited is good. What the doctor saw on Paramount plus, that's also a very good documentary if you are interested in such things. If you're not if you're thinking this was 60 years ago, Sarah, who even still cares? Just remember this. Even if you think that some of the conspiracy theories around the Pop Pop are totally nuts. Just consider this one thing. If facts could be distorted if witnesses could be intimidated if there could be some arm twisting and some cover ups that happen on something this monumental what else are they willing to lie to you about? Do you think that you could also trust them to tell you the absolute truth about the economy, about the value of the dollar about what the Fed is going to do about the job market and the stock market and the housing market etcetera. Food for thought, stay safe, stay sane. If you're in the States, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday tomorrow, and I will see you in the next episode.

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