The Causey Consulting Podcast
The Causey Consulting Podcast
You CAN Transform
...it's just probably not gonna happen through the "new year, new me" stuff.
Every late December / early January, millions of people set New Year's resolutions, only to watch them fizzle out by February. But what if there’s a better way? In this episode, I dive into why resolutions so often fail and how to create meaningful, lasting change instead.
Let's examine:
- The common pitfalls that sabotage resolutions.
- Proven strategies for making change stick.
- Why focusing on who you want to become matters more than the goals you set.
Whether you’re looking to improve your health, grow in your career, or cultivate deeper relationships, this episode is packed with insights to help you transform intentions into sustainable habits.
Join me as we move beyond fleeting promises and step into real transformation—because you deserve more than just another resolution.
Links where I can be found: https://causeyconsultingllc.com/2023/01/30/updates-housekeeping/
I am the author of the forthcoming book, Decoding the Unicorn: A New Look at Dag Hammarskjöld, where I explore Dag's leadership style and his personal journey in greater depth. For updates, please visit: https://decodingtheunicorn.com/.
You can also follow my author journey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saracauseyauthor.
Transcription by Otter.ai. Please forgive any typos!
New Year's resolutions, transformation, specific goals, emotional connection, process focus, habit stacking, accountability, progress tracking, small wins, environment support, identity change, patience, gratitude, perfectionism, vision board
Welcome to the Causey Consulting Podcast. You can find us online anytime at Causey consulting llc.com, and now here's your host, Sara Causey.
Hello, hello, and thanks for tuning in. In today's episode, I want to talk about how you can transform it's just probably not going to happen through the same old played out, dried up. New year, new me junk. If you've been hopping on that bandwagon for the past decade, and by March of each year, you've given up on it and all of those resolutions have gone to the wayside, why would you turn around and do it again? Don't make this year 11 of doing the same thing, make this something new and different that actually can catapult you forward. This has been on my mind, and I know that whenever I'm going through some stuff, or I'm feeling some type of way somebody else is too, even if it's not right now, even if this doesn't ring any bells for you at this particular moment, somebody may find this episode two or three years down the road and say whatever she was doing in December of 2024 it was meant for me to hear right now. I have had that happen with previous episodes. It's been a tough go, hasn't it ever since the huh? It's like we were all cruising along in 2019 I remember there was a manufacturing boom that took place because in staffing, we were so busy, if you had a talented welder or machinist or assembler that came available, they would be off the job market in less than 24 hours, we were seeing a lot of on the spot hiring. You had people that perhaps normally they would do criminal background checks or drug testing, that they were waving all of that because they just needed people. Then march of 2020, came along, and it was like we all collectively went splat at the bottom of the Grand Canyon the two weeks to flatten the curve. Yeah, we all know how that went. And so just thinking about that this morning, as I was organizing my thoughts for this episode, I was like, Okay, here we are. It's getting to be kind of that mid to late December time period where people trot out the new year's resolutions, and then statistically, we know that by Valentine's Day, most people have given up. By St Patrick's Day, virtually everyone has given up on whatever their New Year's resolution. Happened to be gym rats and bodybuilders. Can tell you that in January, the gym is full, and they're all these new people. And you're like, okay, they're gonna be gone soon. This is a fly in the ointment for now, but they're gonna leave by mid February, the vast majority of those people are gone, and they're never seen again. By mid March, all of them are gone, and it's the same old gym rats and body builders and people training for figure competitions that are always in there. And I'm like, but the thing is, people can transform. To say that it's impossible to make changes, or, yes, you can do it, but my God, it's an uphill slog, and people don't have discipline. That's not it. Either. There is a truth, but it lies somewhere in the middle. It's in a it's in a different part of the equation than people typically look at. And I really got sick and tired this year of the slog. It was like, my god, all of this stuff, the and the shutdowns and the lockdowns, and then we had the really high high in 2021 the artificially manipulated market. Now, even though Greenspan tried to tell everybody with a straight face that you can't know you're in a bubble, when you're in the bubble, you just have to wait until the bubble pops, and then you can look back in hindsight and say, oh my goodness me, we were in a bubble. That's a load of crap, and we all know it. It was super obvi in 2021 with the housing market and the job market, that it was an artificially manipulated, inflated, overheated market, doo, doo, poop. Houses were selling for insane amounts of money. Sellers were crazy greedy. It was like everybody and their dog and their mom's brother's uncle's aunt's cousin had a house on the market. People were in a free for all of YOLO and FOMO at the same time in the job market. There was the great resignation, not saying it isn't justified. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people were fed the hell up with. They were being treated in corporate America. Then you started to see things like the leaked memo that the intercept published, where a Bank of America executive was saying, we hope the balance of power comes back to us. We want things to get worse for the average worker. And you knew that corporate America was going to ultimately win. It's like Vegas. The house always wins. You knew the balance of power was going to come back to them, but it was a heady time in 2021 if you were a realtor, if you were a recruiter or somebody in staffing, trying to help people navigate the great resignation man, crazy days. 2022 the there was a cool off. 23 it was getting more frigid. 24 has been an ice out. Man who it has been tough. I've seen a lot of people in the industry saying that this has been the worst year they've ever seen, and I would concur with that. I've ridden several boom and bust cycles over the years. This is my, I don't know, 13/14, year of doing this, and I've seen several cycles, and this has been tough. 2024. Has really been a major, big time pain in the butt. And I'm like, Well, what do I do here? I thought about Barbara Corcoran and how she says you can tell which entrepreneurs are going to make it by how long they sit around and feel sorry for themselves when they have a setback. Because in the business world, you will face setbacks. It's not sunshine and roses and peaches and cream every day, any business owner or entrepreneur can tell you that there are going to be days when you have to eat the frog. There are going to be days when something goes wrong. You're like, damn it, this again or not this. And also, for that matter, this last Mercury Retrograde, for those of y'all that don't believe in such things, that's fine, not trying to step on anybody's toes. But that was also the pits this last retrograde. It was like anything technologically that could jack up, did internet outages, emails that didn't send. I was profoundly tired through the whole damn retrograde. I felt like I could sleep for 10 hours and wake up and still be like, where even am I? What are we doing? What's happening today. Thank God for my calendar organizer. Or, I don't know what would have happened. It's just been like that, right? It's almost like we've been in a fever dream. Something happened. 2019 we're turning and burning. We're going right along 2020, splat. And I'm like, I'm ready to get out of the damn Grand Canyon here. I've had just about enough of this. So what do I do? I don't want to sit around and lick my wounds and feel sorry about oh well, the job market's in the dumper and trying to do staffing and recruiting work totally sucks. And you'll sit around and you'll go broke, and the stuff that's available is not muy bueno right now, there's a lot of people that expect insane things from their freelancers. I'm like, why am I focusing on that? If I just keep focusing on lack and I keep focusing on poopoo clients, then I'll just get more of that, and that's not what I want. So how do I get myself out of this cavern I somehow fell into it. I can autopsy the situation and figure that out later. But for the time being, mission critical number one is, how do I get out of it? And that is what I want to talk about today. This is going to be the last podcast episode of 2024 because next week will be Thursday the 26th well, I'll be off for Christmas. I'm not interested in trying to record a broadcast then, so it'll probably be Thursday January the second before I'm back on the air again. This is the last episode of 2024 what kind of message do I want to leave the listeners with? And then what do I want to say to myself as well? Because there are plenty of times when I sit here at the desk with my little microphone and I record these episodes, and I'm talking as much to me as I am to anybody else. So like, what do I want to say about all of this? Well, what I want to do it right now is talk about why these resolutions often fail. So if you're sitting there with your notepad and you're thinking, Well, damn it. Sara, I was getting ready to do new year, new me. I was gearing up to do it for the umpteenth time in my life, and now you're pee, peeing in my parade. What's the deal? Why don't they work more often than not? One reason is a lack of specificity. If you are writing down things like, I want to work out, or I want a better body, I want to get fit, I want to save some money. That's super vague. There's nothing clear or measurable there, and it might not even be easy for you to visualize what that's going to look like. I want to work out. Well, there are plenty of people who go to the gym. Am, and they spend more time standing around, talking or trying to flirt and chat up other people than they do any actual exercise. Save money. Well, does that mean you save $1 a day, and then what do you do with it once you've got it? Are you putting it into stocks? Are you putting in into EFTS? Like, what are you doing with it once you have it. So you don't want to just sit and write down I want to work out. I want to save some money. You're going to have to get clearer and more specific than that. Another reason unrealistic expectations, whether it's something like losing 20 pounds in one week, or saying, I'm going to read a book every single weekend, but you haven't picked one up in the past five years, you're probably setting yourself up for failure. You're going to get burned out. Is going to be too big of a change, and you're going to say, the heck with this. I don't want to do this anymore. I had a friend who was about by her own admission, I'm not, you know, body checking anybody else. By her own admission, she told me that she wanted to lose 60 pounds. The thing is, she wanted to try to lose 60 pounds in two months. And we were all like that. Seems like a lot. Are you gonna do a starvation diet? Like? What's going to happen here? That seems like an aggressive goal. And of course, two months went by, she had not lost 60 pounds, so she went off this diet, whatever the hell it was, and gained back even more. You don't want to set yourself up for failure. Another reason is when you don't have a clear plan. This goes back to vague ideas. Well, I want to save some money. I want to go and work out. Well, do you have a road map? Do you have some way to reverse engineer this goal, or are you just being vague by not giving yourself any actual action steps on how you're going to get there? Another huge one is when you don't have any emotional connection to the resolution that you've developed, trying to white knuckle your way through things very often, if not always, fails. You've probably heard Dr Phil talk about that motivation and willpower not really good things to cling to, because they fail, they dissipate. And if you don't have an emotional connection to this resolution that you've set, it's so easy to just throw it in the garbage, especially if you get inconvenienced or you have a bad day, that that goal is going right out the window. Another one is all or nothing, thinking, Well, I've already missed one workout, so I'm not going to go back to the gym again. It gets easy to talk yourself out of doing something if you think it has to be all or nothing, 100% or 0% another one can be insufficient accountability. And I would say that, in terms of yourself, some people like to have an accountability partner or a group, and some people don't. For me as an introvert, I don't want an accountability partner. I want to be accountable to myself, and I want to have enough discipline with myself to say, are you on track right now? Is this helping or is this hurting? If you don't have that internal locus of control and that internal sense of accountability, again, it's super easy. The first inconvenience to say, I'm not doing this anymore, another one, which I've touched on before, is if you're trying to rely on motivation or willpower alone, because motivation will fluctuate from one day to the next, willpower starts to wane. It's not accounting for things like your normal daily habits, your own level of discipline, your comfort zone, the ability to stretch out of that your environment, things that maybe you can't control. Another thing can be when you fixate on the outcome, and you don't think about the process like you don't think about the baby steps that are going to be involved to get there, and I am definitely pointing a finger at myself. Please believe I like to call myself recovering type a it's a work in progress. Y'all it is. I have always been so honed in on the end result, and part of that is because of my career in staffing. Your clients don't give a rip about your process. You can sit there and say, Well, I did everything right, but I still wasn't able to fill the job for you. They don't give a hoot. They want you to fill that job for them, if that's what they've hired you to do, and if you. Sit there and say, Well, I checked indeed, and I went to LinkedIn, and I made cold calls and I did this and this and that, but I still failed. They're gonna go find somebody else. So this has been an area of my own, type a situation, um, we said type anus. This is such a perfect pun, isn't it? My own type anus that I've had to say, All right, you need to simmer down when we focus solely on the end goal. Let's say it's to lose 20 pounds, but we're not connected at all to the process. I want to eat healthy foods. I want to nourish my body. I don't like the way that I feel when I eat junk food. Yes, it might feel good in the moment if I have a candy bar, but then afterwards, I'm gonna crash, I'm not gonna feel well, and it's gonna make my skin break out with acne. It's gonna make my stomach hurt. So it feels really good while I'm eating the candy bar. But then after it's over with, it feels really rotten. I choose to eat healthy foods, I choose to exercise, I choose to move my body for some amount of time every single day. Those are process oriented things. But if we're just fixated on I've got to lose 20 pounds, I've got to lose 20 pounds. It doesn't matter if I lose 10. It doesn't matter if I lose 15 until I'm at that magical 20 number, everything else is just crap. Well, then it's no wonder why you're falling off the wagon. You're focused so much on getting to that end result that you're not seeing the baby steps that lead to the final result. And then also, sometimes we have to factor in the things that truly are outside of our control. Other people, the weather, things that work, etc. And sometimes people will prioritize everybody else's opinions or everybody else's schedule over their own, and that can make your resolutions less likely to really stick. So let's flip things around. At this point, I want to go through about 20 things that you can do if you have that pen and paper out and you're like, I really do like to set new year's resolutions. This is something I've done. Maybe I can do it differently. Do the same process, but do it differently. Number one, start with a why? Why does this matter to me? Not to my mom, to my dad, to my kids, to my spouse, to the postman, whatever. Why does this goal matter to me? What's in it for me? The second thing would be to set specific and measurable goals. So instead of giving yourself a vagary like I want to get healthy. Maybe you say I will walk 10,000 steps every day, or I will eat three servings of vegetables every day. Every week, I will try a brand new vegetable that I haven't had before and determine if I like it. Three think about the process and not only the outcome. One of the ways that you can do that, if we're using health again as an example, is, what would a healthy person do each day? What does an athlete do each day? What does a body builder or a gym rat do each day? Think about whatever it is the picture that you have in your mind of what you want to be six months or a year down the road. What would that person do? Would that person go and eat a bunch of greasy fast food? Would they sit on the couch drinking a milkshake and eating candy bars and watching television. Or would they be up moving around and don't fixate on, well, I have to be a hot body. I have to have muscles on top of muscles in the next year, or I'm just going to be totally forlorn and desperate. No, think about the baby steps that are involved in getting there. Number four. Break it down. You've probably heard before about goal chunking. I think it's Jack Canfield that talks about that quite a bit. Think about the the goal in terms of chunks when we get to the finish line. All right, let's we'll use money here. I want to manifest a million dollars that can feel scary as hell if your bank account is in the red right now and you're like, I want to manifest a million dollars, it probably feels like that's a world away from you. Can you chunk it down? I want to manifest $100 I want to manifest $1,000 and then five, and then 10, and then build your way up to the million. Maybe the goal is to ultimately have a million dollars, but you're going to take some baby steps to get there by doing your gold chunking. That might feel more realistic and be more realistic for you. You. Five anchor new habits to something that already exists. There's a technique called habit stacking, and it's similar in some ways, to gold chunking. So let's say that right before you go to bed, you brush your teeth, you do your flossing, your rinsing, maybe after that's done, you say, I will take two minutes to listen to some calming, relaxing music and to do some deep breaths, and then maybe it becomes five minutes, and then maybe it becomes 10 and then you have a 10 minute meditation routine that you're doing before bed, and after a little while, that will feel totally natural to you. Number six, plan for obstacles. If I can't make it to the gym, I'll work out at home. You would be surprised how many people never bother to think about that. And then the first time there's a snowstorm, it's raining, they have to work late. Well, I just won't work out at all. Like, if they can't go to the physical gym, they think it's impossible to get a workout in. Meanwhile, there are plenty of people that only ever work out at home. There are things that you can do, and there are tons of workout routines on YouTube that you can access free of charge. So in that regard, you really don't have an excuse. You could be exercising. And there are people during the pandemic, by the way, who did in dorm rooms, in bedrooms, in tiny apartments, in broom closets, where there's a will, there's a way seven track your progress. This can be a journal, a simple notebook from the dollar store that you got for 99 cents. It can be an app, it can be something as fancy or as plain as you want it to be, but it helps to reinforce the reality of you making progress. Number eight, celebrate small wins. That doesn't mean that you want to do something that's going to derail your progress. So for example, if your goal is to save money. Let's say that you've decided I want to save $10 every week, and then when it hits $100 I want to put it into some kind of stock. Celebrating something like that may not involve going out and spending the $100 that you want to put into stocks and bonds by spending it at the junk store, but figure out some way to celebrate the small wins so that you stay motivated. Everybody needs a W now and then, believe me, if all you're doing is putting up L's, it starts to wear on you and you start to feel lousy about yourself. Number nine, build some kind of accountability system, whether you're the type of person that wants to have a group or an accountability partner, or just having yourself, having that internal locus of control with yourself, have someone or something that you feel accountable to. Number 10, redefine failure. Is this really a failure, or is it just simply a setback? Is it a delay? Figure out if something went wrong, if it's something that you can fix, and then adjust your approach. 11, create an environment that supports success, that can be removing temptations and getting rid of things that trigger you negatively and adding in things that trigger you positively. We can use diet and exercise here if you want to have a healthier lifestyle, and your pantry is full of cookies, snack cakes, candy bars, Soda Pops, you're going to get tempted, especially if you have the tendency to emotionally eat or to turn to those types of products to feel better. If your boss balls you out, or the kids are acting like unholy brats, you're going to find yourself in that pantry reaching for those cookies. You can't reach for them if they're not in there. 12 use identity based change. You can say something to yourself like I am someone who prioritizes their health. I am someone who's smart with money. I'm someone who makes great business decisions. 13, use patience. I know I'm looking at myself again. Might as well point to myself in the mirror. Patience, easier said than done for those of us with those type A tendencies, a real transformation will take some time. And you want to think about your commitment to consistency and how what's like compounding interest in a savings account. You want to think about how your good habits will compound over the course of time, 14 start small and build your momentum. This is one thing that people can totally screw themselves up with, trying to change everything all at once in big, broad brush strokes, somebody that's been a couch potato for the past five years, they. Go to the gym and decide they're gonna work out like Schwarzenegger, probably not gonna happen. You may have to start out with two minutes and then five, and then 10, and then 20, and then have a good little half hour workout. But going to the gym like a pro bodybuilder and saying, I'm gonna be in here for five hours and train, that's crazy. In that situation, you're setting yourself up for failure because you're trying to do too damn much, too fast, 15. Visualize success. Imagine yourself living the change. Think about what neville goddard says about living in the wish fulfilled. Imagine yourself with this goal, the million dollars in the bank, or the awesome stock portfolio, the dream body, the dream house, the amazing vacation, the beautiful car, the loving, tender soul mate, whatever it is, imagine yourself living in the wish fulfilled, and think about, how do I feel? How do I move? If you're manifesting the car, where am I driving at? How does the steering wheel feel inside my hands? What is the dashboard in the console look like? What kind of doodads and gadgets are in there? Do I want cloth seats? Do I want leather? Do I want to sunroof like what really get in this vehicle and picture it 16 Incorporate joy. If you have set up your goals in such a way that they feel like a complete nightmare, how are you going to stick with them? Maybe you listen to some very bad ass empowering music while you're exercising or while you're cooking newer, healthier meals that maybe you wouldn't have turned to before. Maybe you reward yourself in some non financial way when you save money or you make an investment. Figure out some way to bring some joy and some playfulness into this process. 17, adapt and evolve, assess and reassess your goals and adjust them when needed. Sometimes, life changes, and something that may have seemed like the most important goal in January might take a back seat in July to something that's more urgent. It doesn't mean that it's not going to happen. It just means that your priorities might have changed for whatever reason, and that's okay. 18 practice gratitude. Reflect on the progress you've made, any opportunities that you've had to grow. Gratitude is a high vibration emotion, and it will help you stick to those changes, and it will help attract in other things for you to feel grateful about 19, oh, here's a big one on my Type A people get ready for it. Get ready because this one's gonna hurt us. It's like a gut punch. Here we go. Number 19. Let go of perfectionism. I don't wanna ah. Sometimes we have to think about making progress instead of trying to make everything perfect. That's a tough one. That is a tough one for me. I have really over the years, had to remind myself that perfect is the enemy of good. Perfect can actually be the enemy of excellence. You can make something that is extraordinary, that other people really vibe with, and be like, Oh my God, thank you so much for doing this, and then you can sit and nitpick yourself. Well, it wasn't perfect. There was a typo on page three. I didn't like that color. I didn't like the way my hair looked that day. It's not it's not perfect, it's not flawless, therefore it's not any good. Oh, those of us in type A situations, we can drive ourselves crazy with this. Let go of the perfectionism. Just get started. Sometimes in life, just doing it, being consistent and showing up, can go so much farther than somebody that's sitting at their desk saying, I can't even start this project, because if it's not perfect, I just won't do it. Number 20, last, but not least, have some sense of greatness, whether that's greatness for yourself, greatness for your family, greatness for your community or a higher cause, there has to be that. Why getting healthy? Because I want to play with my kids or I want to set a good example for them. I don't want to be winded. I want to be able to get out and go and do. I don't feel comfortable. I don't feel like my best self. My best self is not someone that scrounges for clients. My best self is not somebody that robs Peter to pay Paul. I'm thinking about a podcast on YouTube. I saw that David Baer had recorded, and he was talking about ten million Dave. And he told this story about how he tried to launch a business product. It didn't go very well. It sold way, way less than what he was expecting. It was right around Christmas, so he's in a bad mood, and he realized I'm missing an important holiday event with my family because I'm sitting here stewing in my own juices about a perceived business failure,
and he didn't want to be that person.
Sometimes, when we have that standard of greatness, it's not always tied to the amount of money that we made to how many widgets we sold to whatever how much weight we've lost or how much muscle mass we've gained. Sometimes greatness can be sitting and being present with your family, creating a good example for your kids, making those memories. And we want to make sure that we integrate those things into the goals that we're planning now. These are ideas if you're doing the New Year's resolution format. Here's another way that you can go about it. If these things having this kind of structure is what feels right to you. Mazel Tov, go for it. If you're listening to all of this, and you're like, I don't know, it still sounds so familiar. I feel like I've done this and done this and done this and it never lands. It never goes where I want it to go. By March or April, I'm already off the wagon, and I just don't feel like getting back on. I get that. You can you can think about Neville Goddard and living in the wish fulfilled. I mentioned that a few minutes ago, you can think about the end result. And instead of worrying about how am I going to get there, and doing the gold chunking and thinking about this, that and the other, breaking it down and doing this, and taking my baby steps and worried about being type A you can set all of that in a garbage can if you want to. For some of you listening like, I can energetically feel that. Some of you are like, No, I want my steps. I want the top 20 list. I've written it down. I'm good. Thank you very much. And some of you energetically will be like, I'm not going to do all that. I don't want a gold chunk. I don't want to do this and that I get it where it takes every kind of people to make what life's about as the song goes. So for those of you that are like, I don't want to do all that. You don't have to, you can get into that neville goddard mindset of living in the wish fulfilled. He told the story famously about how he wanted to go to Barbados. He was stuck in New York with no money and nobody hiring, and his mentor told him, you're already in Barbados. Quit coming over here, telling me, I want to go to Barbados. I don't know how I'm going to get there. I don't have any money. Quit with that. You start saying I have money and I'm in Barbados. Now, if you keep saying to yourself, I want to go, I intend to go, I hope to go, then you'll just be stuck doing that. I am in Barbados, and I remind myself of that sometimes, if I'm like, Oh, how is this going to happen? I don't know. I feel like I'm stuck. Nope, I'm in Barbados. I'll just tell myself that like Pavlov's dog. I'm in Barbados. I'm already there. You can do things like making a vision board, which I've already done fresh this year, I had a vision board that actually came true. I should share a photograph of it with you soon, but I made a fairly primitive vision board for my goal of becoming a writer, a published author. And now that's happening. My book about Dag hammershould is going to hit Amazon in January. That's a real reality. So I made this fresh vision board of some new things that I want to manifest that I'm super excited about. You can make a vision board and you can stop thinking about how, how am I going to get there? I don't want to do the gold chunking. I don't want to take baby steps. I just want to live in the wish fulfilled. And here's the cool thing about it, the mind and whatever else you believe in, God, the universe, your higher self, whatever it will begin to organize things for you. You will have inspired thoughts. You will be able to take inspired action. I promise you, I've lived this in my own life, and I've seen it in the lives of others. Some red hot idea will suddenly come to you. I've had some of them, brushing my teeth, mowing the lawn, washing my hair, getting ready for bed at night, working out, running the vacuum, loading the dishwasher, some of the most mundane times, all of a sudden, it's like, you know what? I haven't tried this, and I bet I should do that. Or, you know what, I would love to start a business and do blah, blah, blah. So I'm coming back to the way that I started this episode. You can transform. Yeah, you don't have to sit around and cry over spilt milk. You don't have to sit and say. The past few years have been rough as sandpaper, and I'm just mfing tired of it. I've had enough. Okay, now what? What do you want? Instead of being upset about all that, what do you want? Do you want a better job. Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to get in better shape? What is it that you want? It's going to really start with that desire and that clarity. I love how David bear explains it, because he distills it down so well. And that's what I like to do in my own advisement and in my own coaching that I do with people is, let's distill it down to the most basic parts. Instead of getting overly complicated, where are we at root cause level? And I love how he breaks it down as desire plus non resistance equals your desired outcome. It really and truly can be that simple. I have manifested some things like that simply because I didn't have any resistance to them. And there are a lot of coaches who will tell you, you have to do this, and you have to do that, and if you like the processes, if you like to have those steps, like the ones that I've given you in this episode, that's groovy, and I'm all about it for you. If you don't want to do that, you can still transform. You can live in that wish fulfilled. In order to be able to do any of that, though, it all starts with a thought. It all starts with an idea. So one of the things that I want to challenge you to do in the last couple of weeks here that we have for 2024 if you don't feel like the new year, new me, you don't feel like writing out a list or making a vision board on Pinterest of inspirational photos that you're just eventually going to delete, I get it. What you can do is think about the end goal. What do you want? What do you actually want? Stop putting limitations on it. Going, well, I'd love to have a million dollars, but how is it gonna happen? No, it's not about how. What is it that you want? What's the amount of money, the job, the business, the relationship, the body, the car, the house, the relationship with your kids, or the relationship with your spouse. What is it that you want? It's going to all start there. What is it that you want? That's my challenge for you. As we wrap up 2024 think about what it is that you really, truly want, if you had no limitations, if you weren't thinking about the economy, you weren't thinking about what other people were going to judge you for. How am I going to do it? I haven't seen it. It's not here yet. The economy sucks. What am I going to do? Put all of that stuff to the side. What do you really want, because Drum roll, please, you can transform. Stay safe, stay sane, and I will see you in 2025.
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