The Causey Consulting Podcast

Episode 1: Introductions / Don't Wait For Someone Else To Anoint You

Sara Causey Episode 1

Welcome to the Causey Consulting Podcast! Since this is the first episode, I wanted to take a little time to introduce myself and talk about what you can expect when you tune in. As promised, every episode will have valuable insights that you can use in your life and/or business immediately.

If you've been waiting for someone else to anoint you with a certain title or someone else to give you permission to call yourself a coach, a consultant, an expert, a project manager, whatever: stop it. Waiting on someone else to tell you that you are good enough may cause you to wait forever.

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Unknown Speaker :

Hello, hello and welcome to the first episode of the Causey Consulting Podcast. I'm glad that you're here. I'm your host, Sara Causey. As you can probably guess I'm also the owner of Causey Consulting. If you're curious about it, check us out anytime online at So if you're wondering, why does the world need yet another podcast? Who is Sara and why would we listen to her? I wanted to take this first episode to introduce the podcast and myself. Like most introverts, I don't sit around thinking up ways to polish my biography or ways to toot my own horn. There's a certain level of discomfort to it. So speaking selfishly, I'm really doing this at the beginning to get it out of the way. So I'll go ahead and do it this time, so that it's out of the way and we can commence with the fun stuff. The format of the podcast is: sometimes you'll be flying solo with me, I'll be giving you insights, things that I'm seeing in real time in the business world, on LinkedIn, life in general. Other times, I'll be interviewing a guest, and it will always be somebody who is an expert in their field, or some other all around bad-a$$. Again, always guaranteed to learn something new that you can apply immediately.

Unknown Speaker :

Who am I? I'm a life and mindset coach for solopreneurs and small business owners, people who have had a taste of success and they're hungry for more. Or maybe they feel like their business could be achieving more than it is. They're not making quite the level of revenue that they want. Maybe they're stuck in a plateau and they want to get out of it before it turns into a full-on sales slump or a downhill spiral. They're proactive, they take action. They're results oriented, and they like making money. If you think that money is the root of all evil, or that people who have money are somehow dishonest and horrible, this is probably not going to be the podcast for you.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm also a business consultant for Fortune 500 companies. Sometimes they too need to get unstuck. Maybe they need to take a different market strategy or reevaluate their hiring tactics. If you've ever seen the GI Joe movie, you may remember Dennis Quaid saying, "When all else fails, we don't." Well, I'm the fixer that comes in-- if everybody else has failed, I don't. That's a little bit about me.

Unknown Speaker :

In keeping with my promise that you'll always walk away with something that you can use immediately: In today's episode, I want to talk about not waiting for somebody else to anoint you with a particular title, or to give you permission to follow a dream, or to give yourself a particular title that you find important. So what I mean by this is, sometimes people put their dreams on hold, or they just give up on a dream altogether because they're waiting for some magic moment or they're waiting for some person to tell them it's okay to be whatever. Maybe they want to be a social media influencer. I mean, one of the trends that I'm seeing right now on LinkedIn, that's honestly making me want to tear my own hair out is people calling out influencers and/or trying to piggyback off of their success. If you're doing that, please stop. All it does is cheapen you; it does not position you in the market as an expert. It doesn't give you any credibility. It makes you look desperate and thirsty.

Unknown Speaker :

From a spiritual philosophical point of view: The world does not need another Gary Vee, another Tony Robbins, another Oprah. Those people have already filled that slot. Tony Robbins is Tony Robbins. Gary Vee is Gary Vee. Oprah is Oprah. The best service that you can do for yourself, for the community, for the world is to be the best you that's possible. So trying to ride somebody else's coattails or, "oh, I'm going to superficially disagree with this person on social media in the hopes that they'll engage with me, and then they'll anoint me as an influencer, too!" that's super lame. It does not impute a high value, and it makes you look like you know, a 12 or 13 year old girl who's trying to get something going on Facebook. So like, just don't. I'm thinking about Captain America in The Avengers when he's like, "son, just don't."

Unknown Speaker :

Another facet to this is waiting until you have a degree or certification of some kind. There are dozens of certificates related to coaching or consulting. And people make the mistake at times of believing, "Well, if I become a certified life coach or if I get a project management professional certificate, it's like an automatic gateway to money. It'll automatically give me a credibility boost, people will automatically see me as an expert. If they see MBA behind my name, or if they see that I've got a certificate, I'm a certified life coach, that will automatically tell people that I have a higher value in the marketplace. I'm legit and I know what I'm talking about..." But it doesn't. There are plenty of people out there who have fancy degrees, fancy titles, fancy certificates that are broke as hell. And there are other people out there who don't have any degrees, any certificates, nobody out there-- no organization has bequeathed to them with some big flowery title that they can use online who are making truckloads of money. So my takeaway for you today: if you have been waiting to start a side hustle or a business where you call yourself a coach, a consultant, an expert or a guru, whatever title it is, that makes sense to your product or your service, and you've been waiting around thinking that somebody else needs to give you permission to do that, some influencer needs to tell you that you're important to the world, you need to try to ride somebody else's coattails to the top instead of making it on your own steam: Stop it. I have a friend who likes to say, "I've never seen it tomorrow. And I've never seen a someday. I've only ever seen today."

Unknown Speaker :

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